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有很多廣東話俗語,大家可以說是每天都聽,每天都講。但大家知不知道它們背後的典故和含義?例如是『冇首尾』還是『冇手尾』? 竹昇就是等於ABC? 這些詞又是怎樣來的呢?由天下衛視三藩市和LZERO零.工作室本地製作的最新節目《吓?咩話》電視以及天下衛視各大社交平台同步上線,逢星期二新片上架。

Ever heard of a Cantonese slang so peculiar that you asked, "What did you say?" Well, in that case, you've clicked on the right show. Stick around to learn from Ken Sir on how this slang came about, and how to use them properly to impress family and friends! Locally produced by Sky Link TV San Francisco and LZERO Production, be sure to catch all our episodes on YouTube, Sky Link TV SF Channel 38.2, and all of our social media platforms!

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