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5/16/24  1號提案首撥33億 將於7月開放申請

Prop 1 first $3.3 billion available in July

9/4/24  加州6號提案望終結州立監獄強制勞動 選舉陣營正式啟動

Prop 6 supporters hold press conference in Sacramento

9/24/24 三藩市考慮通過33號提案擴大租金管制 

San Francisco considers Proposition 33 to expand rent control

9/24/24  33號提案建議擴大地方政府租金管制

Prop 33 proposes to expand local government rent control

9/12/24 三藩市社區住客聯會表態支持多個提案及候選人 SF Community Leaders Support Housing Proposals and Local Candidates

10/4/24  34號提案限制醫療機構處方藥收入支配

Prop 34 Aims to Limit Healthcare Institutions Prescription Drug Revenue

9/26/24  兩位三藩市市長候選人同台為B提案造勢 籌公債翻新華埠衛生局

Two SF mayoral candidates rally for Proposition B

10/10/24 佩斯金談三藩市C提案背後理念

Peskin explained on SF Proposition C

9/5/24  望擴展三藩市攝像頭系統 C提案設立廉政專員

San Francisco Aims to Expand Surveillance System

9/11/24  三藩市E提案重新評估委員會成本效益

SF Prop E Aims to Evaluate City Committees for Cost Efficiency

10/9/24 K提案計劃將Great Highway改建為公園

Prop K plans to transform Great Highway into a park

9/19/24  三藩市第11區集會反對關閉海徬大道

SF District 11 rallies against closure of Great Highway

8/26/24  三藩市K提案爭議不斷 正反雙方舉行集會 Prop K Supporters and Opponents Hold Separate Rallies in SF

8/15/24  K提案引起日落區居民廣泛爭議

Prop K Sparks Debate Among Sunset District Residents

8/12/24  三藩市日落區Great Highway改建公園納入公投 社區爭議不斷

SF's Great Highway Park Plan Sparks Community Controversy

9/19/24  三藩市市長候選人佩斯金 就K及M提案公開表態

SF mayor candidate Aaron Peskin speaks out on K and M proposals

9/9/24三藩市市長布里德為O提案造勢 宣揚女性生育自由權利

Mayor London Breed rallies support for Prop O





     Prop 1

     Prop 6

     Prop 33

     Prop 34

​   本地提案

     Prop B

     Prop C

     Prop D

     Prop E

     Prop K

     Prop M

     Porp O







SF Mayoral Candidate Farrell Mentions Ranked Choice Voting Strategy

9/27/24  三藩市市長候選人羅偉到華埠造勢 並承諾解決社區安全問題

Daniel Lurie Pledges to Improve Community Safety in Campaign

9/9/24 佩斯金聯同黎慧心呼籲市民參與投票

Aaron Peskin and Sharon Lai urge public participation in voting

9/9/24  三藩市市長候選人羅偉競選總部開幕

SF Mayoral Candidate Daniel Lurie Opens New Campaign Office in Sunset

9/9/24  三藩市市長候選人羅偉華埠競選總部開幕

Daniel Lurie launches mayoral campaign headquarters in Chinatown

7/9/24 佩斯金競選市長 晚宴唱「真的漢子」 

Aaron Peskin sings "True Man" at mayoral campaign dinner


9/25/24  三藩市市參事安世輝為陳小焱背書 

Supervisor Ahsha Safaí Endorses Chyanne Chen for District 11 Seat

7/16/24  市參事候選人賴天宸獲楊安澤背書

SF Supervisor Candidate Michael Lai Endorsed by Andrew Yang


7/29/24  聯邦參議員候選人謝安達於屋崙華埠舉辦見面會

Congressman Adam Schiff Meets With Oakland AAPI Leaders


10/9/24  賀錦麗最新競選廣告抨擊特朗普 

Kamala Harris targets Trump in new campaign ad

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