2017《鷹明天下》新春特別 節目 Fengshui with Eagle Wong

2017 Fengshui with Eagle Wong
【節目】鷹明天下 2017新春特別節目
【主持】黃鷹 淇淇
【時長】15 分鐘
星期一至五 晚上7時
星期六,日 晚上7時15分

節目重溫 Program Episodes
EP 1 第一集:除夕飯吃什麼好意頭?壓歲錢的由來是什麼?
EP 2 第二集:如何貼揮春及選購年花
EP 3 第三集:雞,狗,豬 12雞年運程
EP 4 第四集:鼠,牛,虎 12雞年運程
EP 5 第五集:兔,龍,蛇 12雞年運程
EP 6 第六集:馬,羊,猴 12雞年運程
EP 7 第七集:12生肖雞年風水禁忌
EP 8 第八集:12生肖雞年風水開運佈局
EP 9 第九集:南北加州大事預測
面相徵集活動 (已完結)
Winner's list for the sweepstakes
黃 X 寧 女士, 電子郵件地址 helenXXX168@gmail.com
陳 X 華 女士,電子郵件地址 YvonneXXX92@gmail.com
羅 X 成 先生,電子郵件地址 MichealXXXLOW@yahoo.com
面相徵集活動 (已完結)
姓名: 中文(必填),英文(選填)
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By submitting my picture to Sky Link TV, I, ____________ , give consent to Sky Link TV to use my image in the production of Fengshui with Master Eagle Wong 2017. I also give Sky Link TV, its agents, clients, or assigns, consent to use my image in publicity materials or other productions that use portions of the program and in non-broadcast showings of the productions including the internet. I acknowledge that I will receive no compensation for such broadcasts, productions and showings.
By signing this form, I release Sky Link TV; its affiliates, agents, employees and clients, from any claim that I now have or could have in the future based on the use of my image in the aforementioned broadcasts, productions, and showings, including (but not limited to) claims based on defamation, invasion of privacy, and/or rights of publicity.
I give this consent and release in consideration of Sky Link TV's permission for my anticipation in the production. I am 18 years old of age or older, or I have the consent of a parent or guardian. I have read and understand this agreement.
I authorize the undersigned Producer to make use of my appearance on Sky Link TV USA. I understand that I am to receive no compensation for this appearance. The Producer shall have complete ownership of the program. I give the Producer the right to use my name, likeness and biographical material to publicize the program and the services of the Producer. The Producer may:
Photograph me and record my voice and likeness for the purpose of the production mentioned above, whether by film, videotape, magnetic tape, digitally or otherwise;
Make copies of the photographs and recordings so made;
Use my name and likeness for the purposes of education, promotion or advertising of the sale or trading in the photographs, recordings and any copies so made.
Whereas, I, the undersigned, have agreed to appear in the Video, and
Whereas, I understand that my voice, name, and image will be recorded by various mechanical and electrical means of all descriptions (such recordings, any piece thereof, the contents therein and all reproductions thereof, along with the utilization of my name, shall be collectively referred to herein as the "Released Subject Matter"),
I hereby freely and without restraint consent to and give unto Sky Link TV and its agents or assigns or anyone authorized by the Producer, (collectively referred to herein as the "Releasees") the unrestrained right in perpetuity to own, utilize, or alter the Released Subject Matter, in any manner the Releasees may see fit and for any purpose whatsoever, all of the foregoing to be without limitation of any kind. Without limiting the generality of the foregoing, I hereby authorize the Releasees and grant unto them the unrestrained rights to utilize the Released Subject Matter in connection with the Video's advertising, publicity, public displays, and exhibitions. I hereby stipulate that the Released Subject Matter is the property of the Producer to do with as it will.
I hereby waive to the fullest extent that I may lawfully do so, any causes of action in law or equity I may have or may hereafter acquire against the Releasees or any of them for libel, slander, invasion of privacy, copyright or trademark violation, right of publicity, or false light arising out of or in connection with the utilization by the Releasees or another of the Released Subject Matter.
It is my intention that the above mentioned consideration represents the sole compensation that I am entitled to receive in connection with any and all usages of the Released Subject Matter. I expressly stipulate that the Releasees may utilize the Released Subject Matter or not as they choose in their sole discretion without affecting the validity of this Release. This Release shall be governed by California law.
I hereby certify that I am over the age of eighteen, and that I have read, understood, and agreed to the foregoing.
I further understand the master tape remains the property of the Producer and that there will be no restrictions on the number of times that my name and likeness may be used.