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天下衛視洛杉磯、三藩市每週五晚9點同步播出《我是歌手 第四季》!



音樂無畏, 我是歌手! 到底誰是觀眾朋友們心目中的第四季巔峰歌王? 是時候揭曉答案了!


  李玟        42.85%

李克勤     19.53%

黃致列     13.41%

張信哲     11.56%

徐佳瑩         6%

容祖儿         4%

老狼             2%


這次的得獎幸運兒將會有25位之多。哪一位歌手最後得票最高,天下衛視就會從所有有份投票給這位歌手的幸運兒都會有機會被抽中。這次的25份獎品每一份都有一個號碼,中獎者所獲得的獎品則按照被抽取的順序而定。 天下衛視會在得獎名單公佈後和所有得獎者聯絡。所有北美的觀眾,包括洛杉磯地區和三藩市灣區的朋友都有機會贏得樂視超級電視及耳機,而其他獎品則只限灣區民眾可以獲得。




  • 樂視55寸4K超級電視 一部,價值$799, LeTV 55”4K Super TV

     得獎者: Jeffery Lee


  • EBA 半年會籍 價值$300, EBA 6-Months membership

      得獎者: Guohua Yu


  • EBA 半年會籍 價值 $300, EBA 6-Months membership

      得獎者:Shanshan He


  • ANA 家具 $100 禮劵一張, ANA Furniture $100 cash voucher'

       得獎者: Huei-ming Wu 


  • Dazzling 妝一粧 『后』拱辰享水 水妍面霜套裝,價值 $250, The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Soo Yeon Cream Set

       得獎者:Yu Chen 


  • 許冠文棟篤笑 $88 門票兩張, Michael Hui Stand-up Comedy Talk Show $88 tickets x 2

       得獎者: Paul Lo  


  • LPGA 女子高爾夫球錦標賽門票兩張, LPGA Golf Tournament tickets x 2

       得獎者: Xueyi Xie 


  • 慧妍 美容療程 $60, Natural Wonder Facial Treatment

       得獎者: Ken Ho 


  • 慧妍 美容療程 $60, Natural Wonder Facial Treatment

       得獎者: Tiffany To 


  • 慧妍 美容療程 $60, Natural Wonder Facial Treatment

       得獎者: Yingduan Zhao 


  • 慧妍 美容療程 $60, Natural Wonder Facial Treatment

       得獎者: Emily Lee


  • 慧妍 美容療程 $60, Natural Wonder Facial Treatment

       得獎者: Wei Ming Cai 


  • 樂視耳機 , 價值$29.99, LeTV headphones

       得獎者: Haohua Liang 


  • 樂視耳機 , 價值$29.99, LeTV Headphones

       得獎者: Min Chen 


  • 樂視耳機 , 價值$29.99, LeTV headphones

       得獎者: Yanhong Zhu 


  • 樂視耳機 , 價值$29.99, LeTV headphones

       得獎者: Jinxi Xie


  • 樂視耳機 , 價值$29.99, LeTV headphones

       得獎者: Kwok Ho Leung 


  • 本地商家禮品卡(隨機) $10, Bay Area Local Business Gift Card

       得獎者: Catherine Shum 


  • 本地商家禮品卡(隨機) $10, Bay Area Local Business Gift Card

       得獎者: Emma Lin 


  • 本地商家禮品卡(隨機) $10, Bay Area Local Business Gift Card

       得獎者: Rochelle Wong


  • 本地商家禮品卡(隨機) $10, Bay Area Local Business Gift Card

       得獎者:Rong Yu 


 ×提醒大家,除樂視超級電視及耳機外,其他獎品只限灣區民眾可以獲得. 我們很快會有專人和各位得獎者聯絡. 

Anchor 9



                                       Sky Link TV Channel 4.2 “I AM A SINGER” Season Finale Giveaway


Official Rules




2.    To Enter:  participants has to

1)    Log into the following page:

2)    Following the page instructions and cast a vote for the singer that they think will win the championship in this season.  After casting their vote, they have to answer four questions and click “Enter”.

3)    On Friday, 4/8, Sky Link TV will broadcast the season finale of “I am a Singer” from 9pm – 11pm. 

3.    Contest start and end dates: contest begins on Friday, April 8th, 2016 at 9:00 pm PST, it will end by Wednesday midnight, April 15th, 2016, 12pm PST.


4.    Eligibility:  Contest is open to current residents in Northern California, which is including the San Francisco Bay Area and Greater Los Angeles area.  For any other residents whose residency outside the Northern California, they will not be qualify for entering this sweepstakes. 


5.    Prize Details:

The first winner gets pick gets the LeTV, the second and third one gets EBA $300 6-months membership, etc.  The way that we pick the winner is follow by numbers.  PLEASE NOTE:  Only LeTV products (TV and headphones) are open to all residents from Northern America, all the other prizes are open to Bay Area local residents ONLY.


  • 樂視55寸4K超級電視 一部,價值$799, LeTV 55”4K Super TV

  • EBA 半年會籍 價值$300, EBA 6-Months membership

  • EBA 半年會籍 價值 $300, EBA 6-Months membership

  • ANA 家具 $100 禮劵一張, ANA Furniture $100 cash voucher'

  • Dazzling 妝一粧 拱辰享水 水妍面霜  $250, The History of Whoo Gongjinhyang Soo Yeon Cream Set

  • 許冠文棟篤笑 $88 門票兩張, Sam Hui Stand-up Comedy Talk Show $88 tickets x 2

  • LPGA 女子高爾夫球錦標賽門票兩張, LPGA Golf Tournament tickets x 2

  • 慧妍 美容療程 $60, Natural Wonder Facial Treatment

  • 慧妍 美容療程 $60, Natural Wonder Facial Treatment

  • 慧妍 美容療程 $60, Natural Wonder Facial Treatment

  • 慧妍 美容療程 $60, Natural Wonder Facial Treatmen

  • 慧妍 美容療程 $60, Natural Wonder Facial Treatment

  • 樂視耳機 , 價值$29.99, LeTV headphones

  • 樂視耳機 , 價值$29.99, LeTV Headphones

  • 樂視耳機 , 價值$29.99, LeTV headphones

  • 樂視耳機 , 價值$29.99, LeTV headphones

  • 樂視耳機 , 價值$29.99, LeTV headphones

  • 本地商家禮品卡(隨機) $10, Bay Area Local Business Gift Card

  • 本地商家禮品卡(隨機) $10, Bay Area Local Business Gift Card

  • 本地商家禮品卡(隨機) $10, Bay Area Local Business Gift Card

  • 本地商家禮品卡(隨機) $10, Bay Area Local Business Gift Card


6.    Prize delivery: Winners will be notified via email.  For the winners for getting the LeTV products, they will be receiving a redemption code to claim their prizes on, detailed instructions will be given by email.  Please note that there is no LeTV products will shipping directly from Sky Link TV.


For the other prizes, Sky Link TV will get in touch with all the winners and ask for their mailing address, Sky Link TV will mail out all the prizes to the winners on or before Friday, April 22nd.


7.    Odds:  Odds of winning depend on the number of qualified entries received. Only the participants who predicts right for the championship results for “I am a singer” Season Finale will have a chance to be pick.


8.    Liability for Use of Prize:  By accepting the prize, the winner agrees that Sky Link TV and its respective parent, subsidiaries, and affiliate companies, and each of their respective directors, employees, and agencies will be released and held harmless for any injuries, losses, or damages of any kind related in any way or sustained in connection with the acceptance, use or misuse, of the prize.  Sky Link TV has neither made, nor is in any manner responsible or liable for, any warranty, representation, or guarantee, express or implied, in fact or in law, relative to any prize, regarding the use, value or enjoyment of the prize, including, without limitation, its quality, mechanical condition or fitness for a particular purpose.


9.    RELEASE: By receipt of any prize, the winner agree to release and hold harmless the Sponsor, Sky Link TV, Administrator and their respective subsidiaries, affiliates, suppliers, distributors, advertising/promotion agencies, and prize suppliers, and each of their respective parent companies and each such company’s officers, directors, employees and agents (collectively, the “Released Parties”) from and against any claim or cause of action, including, but not limited to, personal injury, death, or damage to or loss of property, arising out of participation in the Contest or receipt or use or misuse of any prize.   


10. LIMITATIONS OF LIABILITY:  By entering the contest, participant agrees that (a) any and all disputes, claims, and causes of action arising out of or in connection with the sweepstakes, or any prizes awarded, shall be resolved individually without resort to any form of class action. (b) By accepting the prize, the winner agrees that Sky Link TV and its respective parent, subsidiaries, and affiliate companies, and each of their respective directors, employees, and agencies will be released and held harmless for any injuries, losses, or damages of any kind related in any way or sustained in connection with the acceptance, use or misuse, of the prize.  Sky Link TV has neither made, nor is in any manner responsible or liable for, any warranty, representation, or guarantee, express or implied, in fact or in law, relative to any prize, regarding the use, value or enjoyment of the prize, including, without limitation, its quality, mechanical condition or fitness for a particular purpose. Sky Link TV is not responsible for:  (1) any incorrect or inaccurate information, whether caused by entrant, printing, typographical or other errors or by any of the equipment or programming associated with or utilized in the Contest; (2) technical failures of any kind, including, but not limited to malfunctions, interruptions, or disconnections in phone lines or network hardware or software; (3) unauthorized human intervention in any part of the Submission process or the Contest; (4) printing, typographical, technical, computer, network or human error which may occur in the administration of the Contest, the uploading, the processing or judging of Submissions, the announcement of the prizes or in any Contest-related materials; (5) late, lost, undeliverable, damaged or stolen mail; or (6) any injury or damage to persons or property which may be caused, directly or indirectly, in whole or in part, from entrant’s participation in the Contest or receipt or use or misuse of any prize (including any travel/activity related thereto).  Released Parties are not responsible for misdirected or undeliverable Submissions or for any technical problems, malfunctions of computer systems, servers, providers, hardware/software, lost or unavailable network connections or failed, incomplete, garbled or delayed computer transmission or any combination thereof.  Sky Link TV is also not responsible for any unauthorized third party use of any Submission.


11. Except where prohibited, participant agrees that: (1) any and all disputes, claims and causes of action arising out of or connected with this Contest or any prize awarded shall be resolved individually, without resort to any form of class action, and exclusively by the United States Federal and State law. (2) any and all claims, judgments and awards shall be limited to actual out-of-pocket costs incurred, including costs associated with entering this Contest, but in no event attorneys’ fees; and (3) under no circumstances will entrant be permitted to obtain awards for, and entrant hereby waives all rights to claim, indirect, punitive, incidental and consequential damages and any other damages, other than for actual out-of-pocket expenses, and any and all rights to have damages multiplied or otherwise increased.  All issues and questions concerning the construction, validity, interpretation and enforceability of these Official Rules, or the rights and obligations of the entrant and Sponsor in connection with the Contest, shall be governed by, and construed in accordance with, the laws of Federal and State of California.


12. Miscellaneous:  Sky Link TV reserves the right, in its sole discretion, to void suspect entries and/or modify, terminate or suspend this contest should a virus, bugs, non-authorized human intervention or other causes corrupt or impair the administration, security, fairness or proper operation of the Sweepstakes. In the event of termination of the Promotion, Sky Link TV may, at its discretion, select winners from all eligible, non-suspect entries received prior to event requiring such termination. CAUTION: ANY ATTEMPT BY AN ENTRANT TO DELIBERATELY DAMAGE ANY WEBSITE OR UNDERMINE THE CONTENT OR LEGITIMATE OPERATION OF THIS PROMOTION IS A VIOLATION OF CRIMINAL AND CIVIL LAWS AND SHOULD SUCH AN ATTEMPT BE MADE, SKY LINK TV WILL DISQUALIFY ANY SUCH ENTRANT, AND SPONSOR, THE APPLICABLE ENTITIES AND THEIR RESPECTIVE AGENTS RESERVE THE RIGHT TO SEEK DAMAGES AND OTHER REMEDIES (INCLUDING ATTORNEYS' FEES) FROM ANY SUCH ENTRANT TO THE FULLEST EXTENT PERMITTED BY LAW.

13. Trademarks: Any trademarks used in this promotion are the property of the respective trademark owners and are used for identification purposes only.


14. This sweepstake is sponsored by Sky Link TV, 2121 19th Ave, Suite 103, San Francisco, CA 94116. This promotion is in no way sponsored, endorsed or administered by, or associated with Facebook.

~ 《我是歌手》比賽排名 ~ 

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