Sky Link TV
天線用戶 Antenna Users
假如在收看38.2台時遇到有聲音無畫面的問題時,這個時候您或許需要一個『Digital Converter Box』信號轉換器。
根據電視型號和插口的不同,您會需要一條HDMI 線或者三色線。天線的話,一般天線或者平面天線都可以,將天線和轉換器連接到您的電視,再重新搜台就可以解決這個問題啦。

請記得:天線需要像平常一樣插在電視,再把信號轉換器插到電視的 三色線插口 或者 HDMI 插口,然後使用信號轉換器的遙控按照屏幕指示重新搜台即可。
Are you watching Sky Link TV and experiencing the “Audio Only” issue? You will probably need a digital converter box.
Depends on your TV model, you will need an HDMI cable or an RCA Connector. Plugin the converter box and connect the antenna with your TV, and then rescan the channels, and it should be good to go.
To purchase, go to Amazon and search “Digital Converter Box” to pick your favorite product. We also have a suggestion for you. We’ve been tested the iView Digital Converter Box “3300STB,” and it works well. This is the link and QR Code to the amazon page: https://amzn.to/2TJdc1H

直接到亞馬遜直接搜索『Digital Converter Box』即可購買,經過我們的测试,iView Digital Converter Box 型號『3300STB』可以解决大家的需要。點擊此鏈接即可到达购买页面: https://amzn.to/2TJdc1H

同時為了更好的收訊,大家也可以移動一下家中的天線,並使用手機方向定位,盡量靠近三藩市發射塔Twin Peak的方向。
有線電視用戶 CABLE TV Users
如果您是使用無線電視天線收看天下衛視,只要動動手指,按動遙控器上的38.2頻道即可接收我們24小時精彩節目。而且我們和LocalBTV App的合作也再下一城,觀眾從6月開始也可以透過Apple TV, Amazon Fire, Android TV和 Roku來收看我們的節目,只需要選取LocalBTV, 再選取無線38.2台天下衛視即可。
如果 Comcast 的用戶有任何問題,可以聯係我們: info@skylinksf.com; 或者直接聯絡 Comcast: 1 (800) 934-6489
Facebook - https://www.facebook.com/comcast
Twitter https://twitter.com/comcast
Email Customer Care on We_can_help@cable.comcast.com

1. 選擇遙控的『Setup』或『Menu』按鈕
2. 選擇『Setting』選項
3. 選擇『Find Channel』或『Rescan』等類似的選項
4. 如果畫面上顯示選擇『Antenna』或『Cable』選項的話,選擇『Antenna』
5. 掃描完成之後,電視的播出將會恢復正常
6. 如果依然不能搜索成功,請調整天線的方位到三藩市方向,或更換優質的天線接收器。再回到第一步重新搜索一次。

Bay Area viewers- Sky Link TV has been moving to Channel 38.2 starting June 1st. In the Media/Broadcast Industry, change happens when opportunities to improve present themselves. Channel 38.2 has a strong legacy and broadcast signal while offering multiple future market expansion opportunities. With the new ownership of KCNS, we are able to establish a great partnership with their new management team to serve the Chinese community in the Bay Area.

About the Coverage
As a full power UHF (Ultra High Frequency) Channel, KCNS’s coverage covers the whole Bay Area. The move to Channel 38.2 extends our reach as Sky Link TV will have a stronger signal, especially in the South Bay Area.

Our 24/7 programming, we continue as usual. As we are producing six Local shows a week and we will be launching our seventh.
Please feel free to reach out to us with feedback or to discuss further, as we want to make this transition as smooth for you as possible. Please, when asked, please tell all your friends to rescan to 38.2.
Thank you,
Sky Link San Francisco Staff