除了洛杉磯和三藩市灣區之外, 天下衛視也將正式進軍紐約。東岸的民眾可以透過 Spectrum 1415頻道 (天下衛視紐約國語台) 以及 Spectrum 1417頻道 (天下衛視紐約粵語台) 收看我們的24小時精彩節目。收訊覆蓋範圍涵蓋紐約五大行政區,包括曼哈頓,布魯克林,皇后區,Staten Island 以及 The Bronx。
我們把11月1日定為正式的開台日,但紐約的小伙伴們如果現在打開Spectrum 1415頻道或1417頻道,已經可以看到我們的節目,提前先睹為快喔!
鎖定精彩節目 盡在天下衛視!
“紐約擁有多元化的亞裔社區以及擁有龐大的華人人口”,天下衛視首席執行官成方舟 (Terry Cheng) 表示,“為了讓亞裔社區觀眾們擁有更多優質的電視節目/節目選擇,天下衛視致力於僅選播出最好的亞洲節目。同時,天下衛視亦致力於製作符合當地內容節目,將紐約華人觀眾與社區緊緊地聯繫起來,這是天下衛視使命中的關鍵部分。”
天下衛視仍將以普通話和粵語為紐約地區提供適合闔家觀賞的亞洲節目。紐約觀眾將能夠透過 Spectrum Cable 收看Sky Link TV:Sky 1 - 1415(普通話)和Sky 2 - 1417(粵語)。
天下衛視成立於1989年,是全美第一家衛星中文電視台,在洛杉磯、舊金山灣區和現在的紐約運營三(3)個24/7 全天候免費頻道和四(4) 個有線頻道。通過新增的紐約地區,天下衛視(Sky Link TV) 將持續創新思維,跳脫傳統框架束縛,擴大發行範圍,創作優質本地節目的同時亦提供直接來自中國、台灣的優質內容。天下衛視的未來方針,是要寓教育於娛樂,引進和製作弘揚東方價值觀,適合全家大小的節目。
天下衛視紐約國語台節目表, 請點擊這裡
天下衛視紐約粵語台節目表, 請點擊這裡
Sky Link TV Launches in New York
October 11th, 2021- Los Angeles, CA - On Monday, October 11th, Sky Link TV, announced that it will launch 2 new 24-hour Chinese (Mandarin and Cantonese) television channel in New York starting November 1st, 2021.
"New York has a diverse Asian Community", says Sky Link TV CEO, Terry Cheng, "To provide our audiences with more choices of quality TV programming/programs, Sky Link TV is committed to bring in the best programming from Asia and in a 24/7 basis. We will also produce local programs that connect Sky Link TV viewers with the New York Chinese community, which is a key part of our mission."
Sky Link TV provides the community with the best family-oriented Asian programming in the languages of Cantonese and Mandarin. New York viewers will be able to watch Sky Link TV on Spectrum Cable: Sky 1 - 1415 (Mandarin), and Sky 2 - 1417(Cantonese).
Sky Link TV was established in 1989, it is the first satellite Chinese TV Station in the United States. We currently operate three (3) 24/7 Free-to-Air Channels and four (4) Cable Channels in Los Angeles, San Francisco Bay Area and now New York. Our mission is to strengthen the communities we serve through programs that inspire and inform, educate and engage the power from a diverse perspective.
Through the exciting addition of the New York area, Sky Link TV continues expanding our distribution as part of our mission to reach our target audiences, with premium content directly from China, Taiwan and local US productions. As audiences continue looking for new ways to consume their favorite content, there is a great demand to deliver entertaining and informative premium content that is also easy to access, Sky Link TV is here to serve this purpose.
The inclusion of Spectrum NYC provides Sky Link Media television division access to the most prominent Chinese DMA's and inclusion in the top Chinese markets, accounting for nearly 50% of the U.S. Chinese population. The community should applaud Time Warner Cable for its commitment to the Chinese and Asian media.