Out of the Kitchen
重播時間:週六17:30 週日12:00
Stay tuned for our ALL-NEW food & travel show, Out of the Kitchen is coming soon!
New show produced here locally in San Francisco, Out of the Kitchen follows two female hosts, Gigi and Cici, who explore various food establishments in the San Francisco Bay Area, experiencing the many diverse cuisines and learning about the different cultures. Each episode Gigi will visit a fine-dining, Western restaurant and Cici will visit an Asian restaurant with a unique story of serving a unique dish.
The chefs will create a personal favorite/signature dish for our audience and explain their choice. The chefs will create a personal favorite/signature dish for our audience and explain their choice. The hosts will then speak to the Executive Chefs to ask them to share their background story, their culinary story, and their experience in the Bay Area with viewers. The show is coming up very soon, please stay tuned for more details coming your way.
怎樣才可以稱之為一道能打動人心的美食?除了美食本身的色香味之外,或者還有烹飪者的心思,以及他們背後的故事。1/20起,天下衛視三藩市全新推出美食節目《戀食天下》,兩位主持 Gigi 和 Cici 將會走遍灣區,發掘那些美食背後一個又一個動人的故事。無線4.2台/Comcast 193台逢星期五晚上10:30播出。
Every dish has a story. Sky Link TV San Francisco is thrilled to present an all-new food & lifestyle TV show, Out of the Kitchen starting this Friday, 1/20 at 10:30pm on Channel 4.2/Comcast 193! Are you ready for a sneak peek? Let's take a look!