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「天河大賭場」延續 兩項令人興奮的節日推廣活動獎金超過 $100 萬

「天河大賭場」為迎來節日假期,將延續兩項令人興奮的推廣活動,讓賓客有機會贏取超過 $100 萬的總獎金。賭場的 $1,000,000 超級幸運輪和總值$120,000的21點爭霸戰推廣活動,為「天河貴賓會員卡」會員提供了多種方式來在這個假期贏得大獎。

直到 12 月 21 日的每個星期六,「天河貴賓會員卡」會員都可以繼續參加總值 $1,000,000 的超級幸運輪推廣活動,抽獎時間為晚上 7 點至晚上10 點,每 30 分鐘就會抽出一名幸運兒來轉動輪盤,將有機會贏得高達 $10 萬的獎金。會員每天可以透過玩自己喜歡的老虎機和賭桌遊戲來賺取抽獎券,此外,每天在推廣亭刷卡即可獲得一張免費抽獎券。作為額外獎勵,會員每週二和週五賺取到100 個級别積分時,即可獲得100張抽獎券。

對於賭桌遊戲愛好者,「天河大賭場」每星期四晚上 6 點至晚上 10 點,都會舉辦總獎金$120,000的21點爭霸戰,直至 12 月 26 日。爭霸戰每週獎金為 $10,000 ,其中最高獲勝者將獲得保證為 $5,000 的推廣籌碼。 「天河貴賓會員卡」會員首次參加爭霸戰免費,並可無限次以$50 購買參加爭霸戰的機會。

為了增添節日氣氛,「天河大賭場」將從 12月12 日下午 3 點到晚上 10 點開始,於 12 月內的每個星期四和星期五安排御寒暖心寢具送大禮活動。一星期內賺取 500 個級别積分的 「天河貴賓會員卡」會員,即可獲得精選的優質寢具,包括雪尼爾花線毛毯、防敏感床單套裝或Pintuck Queen棉被。「天河大賭場」還提供「天河」禮品卡,可在任何商店購買——這是節日期間完美的聖誕禮物。

在宣布這些推廣活動之前,一位幸運的沙加緬度居民最近通過玩終極火爆老虎機贏得了$457,402 的累積獎金,展示了「天河大賭場」改變生活勝利的可能性。

「雖然在 「天河大賭場」每一天都是勝利的一天,但對於我們的客人來說,假期往往更加幸運,」「天河大賭場」 賭場總裁 Michael J. Facenda 說道。 「我們已經看到許多改變生活的頭獎恰好在特殊的日子或臨近特殊日子中出現。這次幸運兒贏得的累積獎金剛好是在萬聖節前一天和他的生日月份中,這使得他感受更加甜蜜。

有關 「天河大賭場」更多信息,包括老虎機和賭桌遊戲、獎賞勵計劃、餐飲選擇、娛樂和即將推出的推廣活動等詳情,請瀏覽


「天河貴賓會員卡」是北加州眾多賭場中融合高科技的貴賓會員獎勵計劃之一,容讓貴賓會員可以無須貴賓卡或現金也能夠輕鬆玩樂。「天河貴賓會員卡」是獲取積分享受所有娛樂活動的萬能鑰匙,積分可用於Free Play或作餐飲付費。現在成為「天河貴賓會員卡」會員,您可以立即獲得 $15 Free Play作為開設會員帳戶的獎賞,只需要在任何一部老虎機下注即可使用Free Play獎賞。「天河貴賓會員卡」可透過電腦、平板或有拍照功能的手機在線上註冊登記。 




「天河大賭場」是威爾頓部落(Wilton Rancheria)與Boyd Gaming公司的合作項目, 由Boyd Gaming 負責為部落承建及管理經營。賭場於2022年8月開業,提供面積達 100,000 平方呎的博彩娛樂場地,2,100部最熱門老虎機、超逾80枱桌面遊戲及18家中西餐飲食府及美食廣場。瞭解詳情,請登錄。 


Elk Grove, CA - Sky River Casino is ringing in the holiday season with two thrilling promotions offering guests the chance to win their share of more than $1 million in total prizes. The casino's $1,000,000 Mega Spin and $120,000 Weekly Blackjack Tournament promotions provide multiple ways for Sky River Rewards members to win big this holiday season. 

Every Saturday through December 21, Sky River Rewards members can continue to participate in the $1,000,000 Mega Spin promotion, with drawings held from 7 PM to 10 PM. Winners are selected every 30 minutes to spin the wheel for their chance to win up to $100,000. Members can earn entries daily by playing their favorite slots and table games, plus receive one free entry daily by swiping at a promotional kiosk. As an added bonus, members can earn 100 bonus entries every Tuesday and Friday when they earn 100 Tier Credits. 

For table game enthusiasts, the casino is hosting a $120,000 Weekly Blackjack Tournament every Thursday through December 26, from 6 PM to 10 PM. The tournament features $10,000 in weekly prizes, including a guaranteed $5,000 in Promotional Chips for the top winner. Sky River Rewards members receive their first entry free, with unlimited $50 rebuy opportunities available. 


Adding to the holiday cheer, Sky River Casino is offering a cozy Bundle Up bedding giveaway every Thursday and Friday in December, beginning December 12 from 3 PM to 10 PM. Sky River Rewards members who earn 500 Tier Credits in a week can receive their choice of premium bedding essentials, including a chenille blanket, hypoallergenic sheet set, or pintuck queen comforter. The casino is also offering Sky River gift cards available for purchase at any outlet – the perfect stocking stuffer for the holiday season. 

The announcement of these promotions follows a recent $457,402 progressive jackpot win by a lucky Sacramento resident playing an Ultimate Fire Link Explosion Progressive slot machine, demonstrating the life-changing wins possible at Sky River Casino. 

"While every day is a winning day at Sky River, the holiday season tends to be even luckier for our guests," said Sky River Casino's President Michael J. Facenda. “We’ve seen a number of life changing jackpots that have coincidentally hit on or near special days. In this case, the jackpot was hit the day before Halloween and during the winner’s birthday month, which makes it even sweeter.” 

For complete details about these promotions and other casino offerings, including slots and table games, the rewards program, drinks and dining, entertainment options, and more, please visit


Join Sky River Rewards     

Sky River Rewards, is one of the most hi-tech rewards programs among casinos in Northern California, allowing guests cardless play, cashless wallet, and more. The Sky River Rewards card is your key to receiving points for all your activities and those points can be redeemed for Free Play or dining credits. Become a Sky River Rewards member now to receive $15 Free Play. To activate your Free Play, visit any slot machine and place a bet. Sky River Rewards enrollment can be done online using a computer, tablet, or phone with a camera.     


About Sky River Casino     

Sky River Casino was built by the Wilton Rancheria in partnership with Boyd Gaming Corporation, which is building and managing the property for the tribe. The casino opened in August 2022 and includes 100,000 sq. ft. of gaming, 2,100 slot machines, 80+ table games, and 18 bars and restaurants. To learn more, visit 





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